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New Year, New Language: Find the tools and the time

This is the third and final post in Mauril’s New Year, New Language blog series about setting goals and ensuring success on your language learning journey. Feel free to go back and read the first two posts: Identify your why and Break goals down and be specific if you missed them.
This is the point in your language learning journey where you roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty, so to speak. It’s time to ask yourself some questions that will lay the groundwork for the structure and methods of learning. Achieving a goal like learning a language might begin with good intentions, but to keep moving toward success, you need the right tools and a support system.
Exercise #1: Determine how you learn best.
Take a moment to think about your language learning reality. Which learning methods have worked best for you in the past? How much time can you devote to language learning? Do you have people or resources that are available to support you?
You might prefer a classroom setting where you have a built-in language learning community. You might be drawn toward language exchange opportunities with a person or a group in your area. You may be someone who looks forward to quiet time learning on a language app like Mauril. Some people enjoy speaking one-on-one with a tutor. Write down all of the possibilities and find the method that best suits you.
Exercise #2: Analyze your schedule.
When it comes to scheduling time for any goal, it’s important to be consistent. This is almost impossible if you aren’t respecting your own schedule. Is it realistic for you to attend an in-person class several times a week? Are you overwhelmed with professional, academic or personal commitments? Take a close look at your schedule for the upcoming months and set aside a realistic amount of time for language learning.
The good news is, studies show that it is beneficial to study for even a short amount of time rather than skipping a learning session entirely. For example, you might not have time to go to a language exchange group, but you can set up a 20-minute video chat with someone who speaks your target language. If you feel like you are too busy to practise, you can find some easy tips to help you make time in this article.
Set yourself up for success by dedicating time in your schedule for language learning, and turn these moments into habits. A great way to start fitting more language practice into your schedule is with Mauril’s 30-Day Challenge. Check out our beginner, intermediate and advanced calendars!
This blog post concludes our New Year, New Language series. We hope our tips and exercises will inspire you to take a moment to think about how and why you are learning. Find tons of additional helpful information in the Tips & Tricks category of the Mauril blog. Happy learning!